
Release Workflow


  • Update version and appVersion fields in charts/*/Chart.yaml
  • Update version in /VERSION
  • Set a version tag on the correct branch. The version should follow the pattern:
    • v0.1.0-rc0
    • v0.1.0-rc1
    • v0.1.0
    • v0.1.1
    • v0.1.2
    • v0.2.0-rc0
    • v0.2.0

Push a Version Tag

When a tag vx.x.x is pushed, the following steps will automatically run:

  1. Verify that the tag name matches the /VERSION
  2. Create a branch named release-vx.x.x
  3. Build the images with the pushed tag and push them to the ghcr registry
  4. Generate the changelog based on historical PRs labeled as release/*
    • Submit the changelog file to the changelogs directory of the github_pages branch, with PR labeled as pr/release/robot_update_githubpage
    • Changelogs are generated based on historical PR labels:
      • Label release/feature will be classified as "Changed Features"
      • Label release/bug will be classified as "Fixes"
  5. Build the chart package with the pushed tag and submit a PR to the github_pages branch
    • Retrieve the chart with the command helm repo add $REPO_NAME https://spidernet-io.github.io/$REPO_NAME
  6. Submit /docs to the /docs directory of the github_pages branch
  7. Create a GitHub Release with the chart package and changelog attached
  8. Manually approve the chart PR labeled as pr/release/robot_update_githubpage and the changelog PR labeled as pr/release/robot_update_githubpage