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Frequently asked questions

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What is Spiderpool?

Spiderpool project is consist of several plugins include: spiderpool, coordinator, ifacer. The spiderpool basically is a IPAM plugin works for CNI main plugin to manage IP addresses for the container. The coordinator is a plugin that coordinate the routes. The ifacer plugin help you to create vlan sub-interface or create bond interfaces. The coordinator and ifacer plugin are used in CNI plugin chaining and they also optional to use.


Why doesn't changing configmap configuration update the behavior of Spiderpool?

If you change the configmap spiderpool-conf configurations, you need to restart spiderpool-agent and spiderpool-controller components


Why SpiderSubnet feature not works well?

  • For error like Internal error occurred: failed calling webhook "": the server could not find the requested resource, you need to update configmap spiderpool-conf to enable SpiderSubnet feature and restart spiderpool-agent and spiderpool-controller components.
  • For error like failed to get IPPool candidates from Subnet: no matching auto-created IPPool candidate with matchLables, you should check spiderpool-controller logs.