CRD EgressEndpointSlice

The EgressEndpointSlice CRD is used to aggregate address information of Pods matched by EgressPolicy. This resource is for internal use only, aiming to improve the performance of the control plane.

kind: EgressEndpointSlice
  generateName: ns-policy-
  labels: ns-policy          # (1)
  name: ns-policy-zp667
    - apiVersion:  # (2)
      blockOwnerDeletion: true
      controller: true
      kind: EgressPolicy
      name: ns-policy
      uid: fdca1dd5-9c3b-4d58-b043-451e10f15ea8
endpoints:                                             # (3)
  - ipv4:
      -                                    # (4)
      - fd00:21::5328:9c2:3579:8cca                    # (5)
    node: workstation3                                 # (6)
    ns: ns1                                            # (7)
    pod: ns2-mock-app-5c4cd6bb87-g4fdj                 # (8)
  1. This label value indicates the EgressPolicy to which the EgressEndpointSlice belongs.
  2. By using ownerReferences, the CRD is associated with its parent resource, enabling automatic recycling of EgressEndpointSlice when the EgressPolicy is deleted.
  3. The EgressEndpointSlice object is used to summarize the address information of Pods matched by EgressPolicy. By default, a new EgressEndpointSlice is created when there are more than 100 matched results.
  4. The IPv4 address list of Pods.
  5. The IPv6 address list of Pods.
  6. Information about the node where the Pods are located.
  7. Information about the tenant to which the Pods belong.
  8. The names of the Pods.