CRD EgressPolicy

The EgressPolicy CRD is used to specify which Pods access which target CIDRs using Egress policies, as well as the IP addresses used by Egress. Namespaced resource.

kind: EgressPolicy
  namespace: "default"
  name: "policy-test"
  egressGatewayName: "eg1"  # 1
  egressIP:                 # 2
    ipv4: ""                            
    ipv6: ""
    useNodeIP: false        # 3
  appliedTo:                # 4
    podSelector:            # 4-a 
        app: "shopping"
    podSubnet:              # 4-b
    - ""
    - 'fd00:1/126'
  destSubnet:               # 5
    - ""
    - "fd00::92/128"
  priority: 100             # 6
  1. Select the EgressGateway referenced by the EgressPolicy.
  2. Egress IP represents the EgressIP settings used by the EgressPolicy:
    • If ipv4 or ipv6 addresses are defined when creating, an IP address will be allocated from the EgressGateway's .ippools. If policy1 requests and fd00:1 and then policy2 requests and fd00:2, an error will occur, causing policy2 allocation to fail.
    • If ipv4 or ipv6 addresses are not defined and useNodeIP is true, the Egress address will be the Node IP of the referenced EgressGateway.
    • If ipv4 or ipv6 addresses are not defined when creating and useNodeIP is false, an IP address will be automatically allocated from the EgressGateway's .ranges (when IPv6 is enabled, both an IPv4 and IPv6 address will be requested).
    • egressGatewayName must not be empty.
  3. Supports using the Node IP as the Egress IP (only one option can be chosen).
  4. Select the Pods to which the EgressPolicy should be applied. a. Select by using Label b. Specify the Pod subnet directly (options a and b cannot be used simultaneously)
  5. Specify the target addresses for accessing Egress. If no target addresses are specified, the effective policy will forward all traffic to Egress nodes when the destination is outside the cluster CIDR.
  6. Priority of the policy.